The past few months may have been some of the most difficult months I have endured in a while. I was so overwhelmed with school that I really imploded. I took nine hours of classes on top of starting a new job with a new law firm.
It was beyond taxing. I found that I got up in the morning at 5:30a to get to work by 7:00a and work until 4:00p. Then I would get home by 4:45p, eat a quick bite for dinner and begin schoolwork/homework, etc by 6:00p. That would typically go into about 1:00a and the cycle would start all over again. Unless it was the weekend... in which I hit the turbo thrusters and stayed up until 3 or 4a, sleep until about 9a and start the process all over again.
Insane. It was completely insane. It was so insane that I am not sure what occurred during the last semester as far as anything else in the world was concerned.
Have I learned my lesson? Yes. I've learned a few. The first being that I will not take nine hours and work full-time. Sorry... I'm just not the young girl who has the ability to do that sort of thing anymore.
Second... I have to keep a balance in my life. I only see my friends through Facebook. Seriously. Therefore, I will make a concerted effort to get out of the house and see actual live, breathing people this semester.
Third... no procrastinating the homework this semester. This happened last semester mostly because I was always working on some project or another and I really spent the semester putting out the fire that was close enough to burn me.
This semester I will be taking two classes. I already feel like I can breathe easier.
Our family did lose and gain a member during the semester. On the Saturday before Thanksgiving, our 10 year old toy poodle developed a heart condition that was going to be a chronic problem and we chose to put him down. This was especially difficult for my father, who really adored that dog.
So, two weeks later, I searched for a replacement dog. I tried a few rescue places and found other poodles, but they were all aged and we just did not want to get too attached to another dog that might not be around that long.
Off to Craigslist I went and found a wonderful little miniature pinscher puppy down in Chattanooga, Tennessee. We contacted the owner, made the arrangements and the next day I drove to Chattanooga and picked up Bella.
She's captured our hearts. And most importantly... we ALL love this dog. The last one was not as thoroughly loved by all members of the family. Here is Bella with Dad...
So... we have enjoyed getting Bella accustomed to our home life and she has made the transition really well.
And now... back to the books.